Tuesday, 6 December 2011

That’s so 2011 – what’s going to be 2012?

Happy old year! So that was 2011? Urrgghhh. Well, there is a recession on and things are a bit bleak right? Well, 2012 looks no brighter for the wider economy, however I think the telemedia industry is set to be OK. Already we are seeing more people spending on small treats – a bit of adult here, a spot of mobile gambling there, a load of social networking everywhere – and this trend is set to continue.
While people can’t afford to go on holiday or buy a new car, they want some joy (that hasn’t been ban yet has it?) and so turn to the myriad services offered via telemedia. So for 2012 we will see a load more mobile gambling, mobile gaming, social voting and TV interaction.
These little treats of services will help at least maintain the industry and help development of more low budget, small services for mobile. It will also be driven by the developments we are going to see in other, more high tech sectors that will have a direct impact on the telemedia sector as they get reverse engineered back into what you offer consumers.
Driven by the tidal wave of development this year, we will see huge numbers of people using mobile payments in everyday activities. M-payments is the topic du jour and so much work is going into it that we have to see some sort of full commercial, mass market deployment early in 2012.
Everyone from PayPal to Google to The Mobey Forum to even (perhaps) Apple will be on board with this. Retailers such as Starbucks have already made forays into letting consumers pay using mobile phones and it alone has seen 20million mobile transactions in the US. The consumer hunger is there.
The only thing that needs to be decided is how it will happen. NFC is on everyone’s mind as the way to make mobile payments work, but it is just a platform really – and the tech isn’t there in enough handsets yet. Yet.
There are still many hurdles to overcome with getting m-wallets and cards and so on working and trusted, but personally I feel that the weight of marketing behind this and the curiosity of the early adopter brigade will make this happen in 2012.
Fears over security – largely groundless – will evaporate as it is used. It only remains for the banks and operators to work out how they will work together and it will fly. In the meantime we have telemedia micropayments. In fact, even if mobile wallets and NFC do take off, there will be a growing thirst for micropayments on mobile and this will be filled by you guys. The mobile payment revolution starts here.
In 2012, we will also see a great deal more augmented reality services. This Christmas has seen many come to fruition and its my hunch that we will soon see AR as a much better alternative to barcode and QR code scanning – and becoming mainstream as result.
Right now you can use your phone to conjour up dancing characters around your coffee or chocolate bar, you can turn your ketchup bottle into a recipe book (albeit recipes that use ketchup) and you can even win a Mercedes playing a game based on AR. But this is just the start. AR has been grasped by the marketing world as it near enough delivers magic to users – images that just appear around what you point your phone at: it is mind bending. But its application goes much further. There is no reason why we won’t be wanting to augment everything we do.
And it will happen in 2012. In February 2010 I saw Layar demo-ed at Mobile World Congress and was blown away, but it seemed like a technology that was (1) in search of a market and (2) expensive and hard to do, so someway off delivering. November 2011 comes around and its so prevalent that its free to the end user via Blippar, Zappar and more.
This is extraordinary and will propel AR into the mainstream very rapidly. I believe that we won’t be scanning QR codes in June 2012 to buy something in the eBay pop up shop, we will just point our handset at the item, get all the details and buy it.
But there is more. We will be using it to enhance reading the newspaper (even on an iPad – you will double screen: read the paper on the iPad and use your smart phone to call up the AR). It will change how we watch TV and will totally alter everything from shopping to advertising to adult and beyond.
Finally, I believe that the tie up between mobile and the real world will be the big thing of 2012 – starting with live events, it will flourish everywhere and augment life. Live events already feature heavy mobile components and we will see more and more of this – with AR and with other services – as 2012 progresses.
Mobile will become an integral part of doing anything. It will be how you pay, your ticket, your programme at the theatre or cinema, art gallery or classical concert. It will let you get content from the performance you are watching, it will let you buy merchandise and it will let you order  your interval drinks.
It will also be the conduit through which artists and promoters, venues and ticket sellers stay in touch with you, build a relationship with their customers and turn a one off experience – a concert, play, exhibition, football match or whatever – into something that lasts for days, weeks or months after the event.
The London 2012 Olympics will of course drive a lot of this in the sports space this coming summer and will be a proving ground, but expect it to creep into every facet of life.
So, while the world’s economies goes to s**t, there are some fun things to look forward to. I can’t wait for a virtual riot AR app so I can superimpose rioters on rich people’s cars or find the best escape route when the kittling begins in earnest.
Happy new year!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Is Apple sniffing around m-payments with iTunes tweak?

It is certainly a happy day for those that set up MIG – I love the sound of money being trousered somewhere out there in telemedia land. I remember when the guys left O2 and set MIG up. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and so it proved. Good enough for Velti to stump up the readies and build it in to its burgeoning portfolio.
And with the whiff of nostalgia swirling around me as MIG sort of leaves home, I turn my attention once again to mobile payments. Things really are hotting up and again NFC doesn’t figure. Last week I marveled at how Starbuck’s was doing 20million mobile transactions through its payment app over the pond. This week, I am drawn to look at a minor tweak Apple has made to iTunes that may yet be the beginnings of the company’s foray into mobile payments. And, love them or loathe them, what ever Apple does has the potential to reshape a market. Or even define it.
Its latest wheeze is this. As part of its upgrade to the Apple Store app, Apple introduced a new service called EasyPay. The service itself is simple enough: it lets a user photograph a barcode and then look up information about the product based on that barcode. It then lets a user charge that product to his iTunes account.
EasyPay is still a very limited service: it is currently only working in the US and only works for in-store purchases of “select accessories” sold in Apple’s own retail operation. That does not even include the purchase of big-ticket items like computers or phones. And according to this article in the New York Times, doesn’t look like it will add them in the future.
And yet, and yet… Apple has 225million iTunes account holders (as of June, and since then at the very least my wife as also signed up); it is a very powerful proposition getting them to use iTunes to start to buy things, even if it is with barcode scanning.
What I like about this is what I like about Starbucks’ approach: it is simple and effective and doesn’t involve too much fancy pants technology being retrofitted. It also fits in to what people already do.
The threat to the telemedia industry is that its billing tools get shut out of the loop, but Apple won’t run the mobile payment world – it may pioneer some interesting aspects of it, possibly even things we haven’t yet thought of – what this does do however is start to get people paying with mobile and, perhaps more importantly, getting brands and retailers thinking about how to use mobile payments and not be put off by all the guff about NFC.
The retail industry is still wrestling with how to use mobile and closing the circle with payments is a key to not just getting people shopping on mobile, but the retailers themselves thinking mobile. And once that happens then the opportunities for telemedia services and telemedia billing are enormous.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Starbucks bucks the m-payments trend – to the tune of 20million payments

As 2011 draws to a close – well there are only seven weeks until Christmas, eight until 2012 – I am already ready to dub this year the year of mobile payments. In reality, I should be calling it the year that everyone started seriously talking about mobile as a key payments channel for online, on mobile and retail payments as we are still waiting for many of the mobile payment tools launched this year to become mass market.

But while the world and his dog have been postulating how mobile payments will work, coffee giant Starbucks has quietly turned its app into a very successful mobile payment tool.

I wrote about this in this esteemed organ back in January when Buckies launched th payment app in the US and, to blow my own trumpet, I did say how significant it was. And so it has proven to be. As of the end of October, Starbucks has processed 20million payments through its mobile payments tool. That's pretty impressive.

While many people have been (over) excited by NFC as a payment enabler and while the arguments over how to power various kinds of mobile payment, Starbucks has snuck a simple barcode based system into its loyalty app and, latterly, it's ordinary app. And people have been using it with alacrity.

So what does this mean for the Telemedia space? Well, I think it offers a massive opportunity. For sure, eventually we will be using mobile as a means of paying direct from our bank accounts, probably over NFC, but for the short term at least, brands should be looking at how they can make their apps and m-web sites and mobile-based loyalty schemes transactional. Not transactional in the sense of being ale to by something from a site, but in using them to pay in stores.

Starbucks has the advantage that it's loyalty scheme works by storing up points on a card that can be used to get money off, so they sort of had the plan in place already. Even so, the coffee company has made a simple way to get its customers using mobile to pay - 20 million times in 10 months.

For Telemedia companies, the opportunity lies in convincing other brands -- particularly in the retail sector, but not exclusively -- that the kind of tools on offer around Payforit, pSMS, PRS and the many alternative billing tools available can sit behind apps that allow consumers to pay for things with mobile.

It is a stop gap, but it is potentially a huge one that is really where the mass market for Telemedia payments exists.

This Christmas will be a mobile one in the retail space, with customers researching what they want to buy, being marketed to by people wanting to sell them things, people comparing prices while in stores and, in my case, sitting on the sofa late at night, a glass of wine on the go, and actually doing the entire christmas shop via an iPad.

I will be using Amazon, where possible, so will be paying by one click (so a kind of mobile payment). Next year, assuming the collapse of the Eurozone leaves us with more than just some sticks and a cart full of manky turnips to eat, many people will be using their mobiles to pay for things. Many of them will have been using NFC enabled Droid phones running Google wallet for months by then, but there will still be a Telemedia opportunity, so go grab some of the action.

And I am doing my bit: my book -- M-commerce -- is aimed at explaining how mobile can change how all businesses operate, and payments is a big part of that. Buy it here in good old fashioned paperback or, if you are thoroughly modern, get the electronic version here – it'll make a great real or virtual stocking filler!

Friday, 21 October 2011

World Telemedia Amsterdam triumphant

Those of you who weren’t in Amsterdam between 12 and 14 October at WORLD TELEMEDIA missed a great event. The old vibe that makes an overseas telemedia event go with a swing and a bang was back in spades. Great venue, great exhibition and great conference – with some excellent speakers, thanks everyone – and, despite the mock-groaning, everyone was secretly glad to be back in Amsterdam. Even the Europub.
The show was particularly interesting as it offered the chance for the industry to come together not just to network and do deals, bit to also start making in roads into some of the key issues that are impacting on it.
Most notable was the upshot of the fraud seminar session on Wednesday 12 October, which not only saw a number of key industry players discuss the issues of fraud – and indeed of arbitrage, more of which anon – but also several of the leading companies in the industry decided at the World Telemedia meeting t form a group to start working to lobby the major networks around the world to start to do something about traffic hijacking.
Hijacking has long been a low-level problem for the industry, but in the past three years it has grown exponentially and is now taking up to 50% of revenues away from some services, according to estimates by the panellists.  The ad hoc grouping, which had its inaugural meeting at the show, is set to detail its modus operandi in the coming weeks.
Elsewhere at the event, we saw the usual round of lively parties and drinks receptions – though is it me or is everyone better behaved these days? – and a conference that brought in a host of telemedia favourites and some interesting newbies to debate everything from interactive services, to billing and m-payments, to marketing to chat and dating and telemedia essentials.
One of the most surprising upshots of  opening keynote from SKOPOS was that, while most male orientated mobile services are hung around sport, a study of male mobile users found that only 37% of them liked sport. SKOPOS’ research of consumers also found that the web and mobile web use was normalising risqué behaviour among adult users – which has to be good news for the telemedia sector.
The adult worlds of chat and dating – along with horoscope and psychic – are also blooming, our panel found, with users growing despite the recession. Hard times usually bring out the small spends, so traditionally telemedia services do well and this seems to be being borne out. According to AIME’s David Ashman’s presentation flirt, chat and dating has grown by 35% year on year to £37.4million in the UK in 2010. Tarot, psychic and astrology is up 23.1% to £21.4million in the same period.
According to Ashman, virtual gifts is the star player right now in premium rate, growing an eyewatering 438% to £8.1million in 2010 – with even more expected from 2011.
So from a purely telemedia point of view, there is much to be cheery about.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Cornering the m-payments market

Payments is very much the top of the agenda this week, with not only news that txtnation will be presenting Transactional SMS (TSMS) at World Telemedia Amsterdam (12-14 October), but that the world and his wife are all getting their mobile payments products lined up and ready for the build up towards Christmas.
Forget NFC and, I think, we can also try and forget the O2-Vodafone-Everything Everywhere tie up to develop cross platform payments and marketing offerings (we can forget that for now, unlike 3 UK which is trying to take the big three to court for leaving them out. Aww, bless). What we have on our hands is a radical rethink in payout rates on PSMS – dressed up as TSMS and direct operator billing – sweeping the US, Europe and Ireland (and coming to the UK real soon).
The move to put PSMS on a 90% payout rate and hide it behind a one click payment button is just what the world needs and will be the thing that makes mobile a mass market payment tool.
Direct operator billing is going to corner the market in mobile payments for digital goods, while TSMS is going to see PSMS essentially being used to buy real things like cans of drink from vending machines and tickets from ticket machines (which are then virtualised and put on the phone, but they are then used in the real world, which makes them tangible enough for me).
This is a magnificent step forward and I think places telemedia right at the heart of m-commerce, where it should be.
And that is reflected in the seminar programme for World Telmedia Amstedam, which while it seeks to uncover the best in interactive media, marketing and commerce, always circles back to payments. Mobile payments is going to be the cornerstone of the m-commerce and m-media worlds once it gets going as it encompasses everything that you want consumers to do.
Getting them to your site, store or service is essential, and this can be done by offering special offers and money of if they use mobile to pay. Once they are engaged with you, you can again get them to do things that require micropayments and you get them to use mobile to pay. While they are chatting, or on social networks or interacting, voting or doing anything else around TV you upsell them and use mobile to pay. If they are in a shop and want to buy something – use mobile to pay.
You see mobile payments is the core of m-commerce in all its forms, and the telemedia industry owns microbilling – you know that together these things are awesomely powerful. So get yourself along to World Telemedia Amsterdam and get the inside track on where m-payments is going.