Friday, 27 May 2011

A Defining Moment

When the current Communications Act in the UK came into force in 2003, it was already old and pretty much not fit for purpose. Sure, it cleared up a lot of confusion by bringing together a number of, until then, disparate regulatory bodies under one roof, but by the time it came into force, things had moved on. That’s what happens with what I now call the digital industry: it develops and changes very rapidly.
Look at what is happening in the microcosm of the strange legal wrangles in the UK over celebrities with superinjunctions that are being breached by ordinary people on social networks. This has thrown the government, judiciary, media and social media into a tailspin: there simply are no laws, rules or regulations governing what is happening.
So the fact that the government is now proposing bringing in new communications regulations (see my EXCLUSIVE STORY HERE) – and for communications, read digital industry – seems apt. I think the social media/superinjunction debacle is timely, but unconnected to the Department of Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) issuing an open letter to the ‘communications’ industry stressing that, in the interests of growth, the regulatory regime around all things content needs to be rethought.
And yes it does. But, do they really realise what they are seeking to do? The open letter is heavily focussed on content – across many platforms – but really what they are getting into is a total rethink on the regulation of, for want of a better word, ‘digital commerce’. And this is a very broad brief.
I am the first to admit that the regulatory framework we have in place currently is no longer up to the job. Look at PRS: we have a very clear and, now with the new PPP Code, pretty effective and fair way of regulating PRS. But, while all this has been happening, many new ways of doing microbilling have popped up, which aren’t covered by the code and so we have a situation where we have great regs for one thing, but not for another.
The same applies across all facets of the connected digital industry, especially as it all starts to meld into one multiplatform consumer eco-system. This throws up massive issues with anyone seeking to apply old, or indeed create new, regulations to tame its worst excesses. You have now the chance to find something you want to buy on one platform that you pay for on another and consume on a third or in the real world. You have potential situations where people are using mobile to interact with advertising on TV to buy something that will be delivered to their home. How do you regulate that?
What I suspect will happen will be that ‘self regulation’ plays a key role in this. To me it is the only sensible way you can regulate such complex interconnected interactions and future proof those regulations for the ten years that the UK government wants any new rules to apply for.
At least the powers that be seem to recognise the enormity of the task at hand and have put out a request for feedback at a very early stage. But many people may have missed the open letter sent on 16 May and may not have made the 30 June deadline for submissions. And you MUST take part. This will change everything globally and there is everything to play for.  As the MEF’s Suhail Bhat tells us: “This is probably the most important and significant change to most people’s business they will see in their business lifetime. You have to make sure you have your say.”

Friday, 20 May 2011

Beware: new billing kids on the block

With another Telemedia360 event under our belts, many of you who were there will have got a great insight into where the business is going. There are many new kids on the block and the world of content interaction and billing has changed. There is still plenty of room for IVR and pSMS billing services, but as media companies evolve what they are doing with mobile – particularly with tablets – then these old ways of doing things face growing threats from other payment tools.
Print media companies love tablets as a tablet app suddenly gives them something they can legitimately charge for to make up for all that free stuff that is on the web. With this comes the huge opportunity for billing for these services. But, while pSMS and WAP billing play a role in getting money into the system, most consumers these days don’t trust operator billing (a recent Kony survey finds that only 25% of people do) because operators are not known for getting their ‘normal’ bills right, let alone handling any other billing on top.
So what’s happening? Well services where cards are registered at leisure on line then used as part of a one click on mobile, tablet, or in-app are pretty popular in the UK, but these models don’t scale in Europe and further afield where cards are not so well used. Here pSMS and traditional billing tools do have a role to play, but they are then not used as the front line payment brand. That is handled by the new breed of payment companies.
In the retail and m-commerce space, things are tougher still for telemedia billing. There is a huge opportunity for mobile as a payment tool for both in-store and m-retail purchases, but that opportunity is slipping away from operators and telemedia companies on a daily basis. Orange and Barclaycard have rolled out a trial for NFC based mobile micropayments in store, but frankly who needs the hassle of an NFC enabled phone, chipped with bank chip and limited only to stores that can afford the redemption equipment and POS integration?
Like media companies, though, retailers are even more reluctant to use operating based billing as the operators want too big a cut of the transaction to make it viable, they don’t see them as reliable enough and operators still slave under the misapprehension that their brand owns the customer and so are reluctant to give ground to retailers.
So where does that leave us? Well, it leaves us once again with the likes of SagePay, MGt, Boku, Zong, OpenMarket, MIG, Google and Facebook – not to mention banks and card companies – delivering the payment tools that people will use in the retail space: people trust these brands and retailers trust them too.
There is, of course, a very viable marketing for operator-based billing solutions and they are not going to go away in a hurry – not everyone has a smartphone, so pSMS is pretty much all they have to pay with – but my argument is that we are already seeing a shift in how mobile as a payment tool works and what the brands, media companies and retailers want from it. It poses a massive opportunity to the telemedia sector, but one that to my mind no one is really grasping.
One area where there is still huge opportunity for telemedia billing lies in mobile gambling services. Those of you at Telemedia360 last week will have noticed that mgambling was conspicuous by its absence. Well, that’s because we are running a dedicated show on mGambling – the mGaming Summit – on 15 June at the King’s Fund, in Central London, in partnership with iGamingBusiness. Details are here and it promises to be a fascinating event at the nexus of gambling and mobile.  See you there.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Social networking checks in as the key platform for telemedia 3.0 at TELEMEDIA 360 LEEDS

If there was one key take away from Telemedia360 in Leeds on 11 May, it was that, if mobile marked out the advent of telemedia 2.0, then now we are witnessing the birth of the next generation of telemedia services – telemedia 3.0 if you will – with social media (namely Facebook) at its heart.
Session after session at the show revealed how social media is proving the key target for getting everything from apps to media content to interaction and advertising moving. It also has huge implications for telemedia billing, as new third party payment providers enter this new world as the hunger for virtual goods – and real world shopping – on Facebook grows.
According to Miles Ross, head of mobile at publishers IPC, Facebook is “critical.” Ross says that IPC uses Facebook to “drive interaction with our products and our Facebook products themselves and we are fairly advanced in social games, because that is where our readers are. The hunger for virtual goods is also going to be avid”.
And this means that there is a whole new opportunity for billing and payments, but it remains unclear as to how the telemedia sector is exploiting this currently, leaving the way open to a raft of new players such as Boku, Zong and OpenMarket.
Twitter is also playing a huge role in the media sector, forcing media product brands to sit behind unified URLs so that they can be tweeted and found on multiple devices and through many channels, not just online and mobile, but apps, on tablets and across the social media sphere.
Social media is also playing a vital role in the development of m-commerce and m-retailing, with new ventures such as Whatser and Frooly – who both debuted at Telemedia360 Leeds on 11 May – to create compelling new mobile based services that not only allow people to be ‘social’ but also to fill a novel niche: the small retailer and the high street.
It is interesting to note that at the last Telemedia360 event in Manchester, the m-retail talk was centred on the opportunities that surround major retailers. This time out – just six months later – we are seeing a propensity to target small, independent retailers with mobile as a quick step into mobile commerce.
But its not all one way traffic to social networks. Many are starting to look to some of the key ‘old skool’ telemedia services to drive users in an ever more competitive environment. Friends Reunited is adding dating services, to pull together the ideas of finding ‘people you went to school with’ and ‘people you went to school with who you fancy another crack at’. Around this the social network is also adding in horoscopes from Russell Grant to help guide users as to how well their potential dates might shape up.
This example, delivered by’s Kevin Parker marks how social networking is now becoming entrenched in the telemedia world. The question is, does the telemedia industry recognise this? We’ll have to see at the next telemedia event.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

TELEMEDIA360 LEEDS Stellar line up complete as industry readies itself for debate

With just days to go until the next Telemedia360 event – 11 May, the Loft, Leeds – the final speaker schedule has been unveiled and the show promises to offer some great insight into the next stages of development in European media interaction, m-commerce and premium rate telephone services.
AIME chairman Edward ‘Bod’ Boddington and social and digital media expert Darren Mark Noyce from Skopos, kick things off with two keynote presentations that paint the current a future picture of both the media and interaction industry landscape and the needs, likes and dislikes of the digital consumer respectively. The show then moves into session format offering a variety of debate on the new digital media and device landscape and how to engage and monetise consumers therein, A look at how ‘traditional’ telemedia services are evolving in this world and where their opportunities lie, m-commerce, billing, CRM and data gathering and how it can all work at live events.
There is are also two special workshops – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – looking respectively at PPP’s new code of practice and a special crowd sourcing workshop from Noden Dot Net.
The overall programme of the event is designed to lead the audience of brands, retailers, media execs, telcos and service providers through the high level view of what the new digital media landscape looks like – a mass of new devices, new social media tools and new marketing channels – and how to bolt that together with the proven money making ideas that have powered the telemedia industry for so long.
The afternoon sessions reflect how telemedia is becoming the cornerstone of the broadening m-commerce marketplace and so we look at how the tools used in telemedia are starting to play a wider role in the m-commerce and m-retail environment: taking in m-commerce services, billing and m-payments, CRM and data gathering.
We finish off with a look at how telemedia will play out at live events – not least the London Olympics in 2012.
The two workshops also fit nicely into this, offering a much more in depth understanding of two vital side issues around servicing this marketplace: regulation and crowd sourcing.
PPP, the premium rate industry regulator and the part of Ofcom charged with overseeing how this interactive digital world is policed, is introducing its new – and significantly revamped – code of practice in September, so it is taking the morning to talk to interested parties about what the changes mean in practice for companies that will seek to work within the new rules.
The afternoon sees a change of tack in the workshop room with a detailed look at how social engagement through crowd sourcing and other techniques, delivered by Noden Dot Net. In this modern world there is more and more pressure to reach out to your “community” via the internet.  There is also your own need to drive innovation, resource new content and drive down costs whilst improving your brand profile. Crowdsourcing allows you to engage the internet connected audience by asking them to supply you with ideas & content.  At the same time you are effectively reaching a larger community using the principles of social media and viral marketing

·          Getting web & mobile users to upload video and audio content to your website. 
·          Normalizing and formatting for best site integration
·          Moderation, content approval and publishing / broadcasting
·          Capturing UGC through promotion and social media
·          Creating competition online
·          Legal requirements and management levels

For more details and to register to attend go to

The speaker line up delivering this is below:
9.00 - 9.15 Opening Keynote:
Telemedia’s role in the new interactive landscape
With TV interaction turning to social media and apps, and with publishers embracing online and digital publishing with alacrity, our panel sets the scene for the day exploring how the telemedia industry can lead the chase for eyeballs and earlobes.
Ed Boddington, Chairman, AIME 

9.15 – 9.30 Mobile users and the digital society
An statistical overview of the digital society and what opportunities lie out there for brands, media companies and the telemedia sector
Darren Noyce, chief analyst, Skopos

9.30 - 10.15
The new digitized media landscape
New devices, new operating systems, apps stores, m-web and social media: today we operate in a very different media world. Our panels and presenters explain how Telemedia services can continue to add huge value to media, brands, broadcasters and retailers
• What services are the best fit for what devices
• Mixing interaction and monetisation
• Working with the new platforms players – getting Facebook, Twitter and the myriad of  app stores working for your content
• What value social media
• M-web, apps or both – what works best for media 
• Increasing importance of loyalty and CRM
Mark Challinor, Head of Mobile, Telegraph Media Group
Miles Ross, Head of Mobile,  IPC
Carl Costa, Songhi
Matt Baskerville, Shortlist
CHAIR: Adam Maxted, Square Media Consultancy

10.15 - 11.00
Engaging and interacting in a multi screen digital world
Whether you are a media company, broadcaster, retailer or a brand, the new landscape for media delivery also affects how you market your services and how consumers interact with you. Our panel and presenters show you best of breed solutions to win in these battles

PRESENTATION 10.15-10.25 in-SMS ads
How to use consumers to spread your message with in-SMS affiliate services
Efe Udugba, CSO, GText

PRESENTATION 10.25 – 10.35 What about Wifi?
With up to three quarters of mobile ad traffic coming through wifi in the past year, it looks like its time to rethink business and billing models; is PSMS no longer fit for purpose?
Sebastian Garel-Jones, Admoda

10.35 – 11.00 PANEL DEBATE
• How social media, apps and new channels are affecting the interaction paradigm
• What solutions are there for broadcasters, media companies, brands and marketers to generate incremental new revenues?
• The role of telemedia in this new landscape
• Where does fixed line fit?
Todd Green, FreMantle Media
Stephen Petheram, MD, MGt
Sebastian Garel-Jones, Admoda
Efe Udugba, CSO, GText
CHAIR: Paul Skeldon, Editor,

11.00 - 11.30 networking with tea and coffee

11.30 - 12.30
Traditional Telemedia service update
While the media landscape may be crowded with new devices and business models, consumers still love the same services – they just want them delivered in different ways. Our panel and presenters take a look at how the telemedia basics are shaping up
• Latest developments, products and services in Psychic, horoscope, life coaching, chat and dating
• Issues affecting the market, including regulatory updates
• Creating effective services for brand and media clients
• The impact of new devices, new delivery channels and new media
• Exploiting SMS, MMS, Video and social networking
• Monetising through add ons
Kevin Parker,
Danielle Morgan, Sales & Marketing Manager, Flirtomatic
James McNab, Sprint
Taya Bose, Com&Tel
CHAIR: Paul Skeldon, Editor,

12.30 - 13.00 CASE STUDY
Where traditional services meet new media and brands
FMCG brands are using Horoscopes/Psychic for PR, CRM, editorial content and incremental revenue. We find out how brands, including Asda, are using bingo, dating, horoscopes rather than the traditional "in print" models.
Kevin Parker,

13.00 - 14.00 lunch

14.00 – 15.00
M-Commerce – so more than just retail
Mobile is the ideal sales tool, offering a channel and billing – as well as today total broadband web connectivity. So what are the main games in town for m-commerce?

PRESENTATION 14.00 – 14.10 Social shopping
A look at how social media and mobile together are revolutionizing mobile commerce, with a case study on fashion retailer Republic
Damian Hanson, One iota

PRESENTATION 14.10 – 14.20 Local m-commerce
A presentation looking at how local markets are being serviced by mobile
Michael Ord MD Frooly (leo Kellgren email)

PRESENTATION 14.20 -14.30 Local social shopping

• What is being bought on mobile – real, virtual or both?
• What can we teach tangible goods retailers about mobile commerce?
• Turning mobile marketing into mobile commerce
• Drop charges, telemedia billing and the new world of retail
Justin Richardson, MD, Net-Mobile (UK)
Damian Hanson, One iota
Michael Ord, Frooly
Colin McCaffrey, 2Ergo
Colin White, Netsize
CHAIR: Paul Skeldon, editor,

15.00 - 15.45
Billing & payments – the options to consider
Making all interactive and m-commerce services work relies of collecting money and extending that to allow for payment through device in stores and online. But the billing and payment landscape has changed radically in the past two years.

PRESENTATION 15.00 – 15.10  In-app billing
The try then buy app model is a staple in the games industry, and ripe for media subs. We offer a masterclass in working with Android and Ovi on technical and regulatory intergration of in-app billing with case studies
Presentation by OpenMarket

The panelists will then discuss:
• The rise of Apple, Boku, Zong and the others
• The role operator billing might yet fulfill
• How 90% payout transactional SMS billing is becoming reality
• What NFC and other mobile payment tools bring to the party
• Refunding to phones and accounts – a new opportunity?
• International billing and payments come of age
Stephen Petheram, MD, MGt
Danny Marino, txtNation
Speaker from OpenMarket
CHAIR: Paul Skeldon, Editor,

15.45- 16.15 network with tea and buns

16.15 – 17.00
Telemedia CRM & DATA – the marketing department’s dream come true
Both fixed line and mobile services generate extraordinary amounts of detailed data about the consumers’ behavior interacting with your brand. . But how do you harness and monetize this data from marketing and commercial perspectives?

• Creating data and using it as a marketing tool
• CRM best practice & Data Protection Act main points to watch
• Comparative studies of how well CRM generates repeat calls and up sell across media types
• CRM, data and Age Verification – protecting consumers and your business
• The role of delivery through SMS, MMS, Apps and M-web
• Collecting and re-using data through new channels – how do apps, m-web, social media and wifi change the data game?
Stephen Upstone, Velti
Kate Atkin, mLaw
Colin White, Netsize
CHAIR: Adam Maxted, Square Media Consultancy

17.00 – 17.45
Telemedia and Live events
With the Olympics just around the corner and sports clubs all getting on the mobile bandwagon, we wrap up the Leeds show with a lively debate about how best to put all that we have learned today into practice around live events.

• Opportunities for telemedia in live events
• Opportunities for media, brands and retailers around live events
• Cementing the two with mobile, kiosks and more
• Challenges of making it work
• From marketing on page to ticket on phone – the complete journey for the modern event
• Case studies and demos from around the world.
Luc Jacobs, TeamBlogger
James McNab, Sprint
CHAIR: Paul Skeldon, Editor,

10.15 - 12.15 PPP 12th CODE WORKSHOP
On 1 September 2011, a new Code of Practice and industry-wide Registration Scheme will come into force for premium rate services (PRS).
· The new Code contains rules that apply across the whole PRS value-chain. Information/content providers will be responsible for consumer protection for the first time.
· The Registration Scheme is mandatory for ALL providers in the PRS value-chain. You will not be able to do business in the UK market unless you are registered.

In this modern world there is more and more pressure to reach out to your “community” via the internet.  There is also your own need to drive innovation, resource new content and drive down costs whilst improving your brand profile. Crowdsourcing allows you to engage the internet connected audience by asking them to supply you with ideas & content.  At the same time you are effectively reaching a larger community using the principles of social media and viral marketing

·          Getting web & mobile users to upload video and audio content to your website. 
·          Normalizing and formatting for best site integration
·          Moderation, content approval and publishing / broadcasting
·          Capturing UGC through promotion and social media
·          Creating competition online
·          Legal requirements and management levels