Against the backdrop of figures released by Strategy Analytics that show that mobile media consumption globally has topped $150billion dollars – and is worth in excess of £2.5billion this year alone in the UK – we here at Telemedia Towers are very happy indeed. For vindication is in the air. For it’s this massive mobile media and content market that the telemedia industry can truly unlock – and vindicates our decision to put on the mGambling, mSport and Connected Summits between now and end of May (there is more to come later in the year – but I’ll tell you all about that in a few weeks).
Next week sees the gambling and sports industries gather in London for out MGaming Summit and MSports Summit at the King’s Fund on Cavendish Square to talk about how mobile is now becoming a central pillar for both these communities.
Featuring speakers from all the leading gambling operators, network operators, Google, The Football League and ESPN alongside all the key telemedia players, these two events cement telemedia’s role in connecting consumers to brands and monetizing the subsequent interaction.
The events will showcase the best of the best in terms of what is being done here and now and will provide a fantastic opportunity for telemedia players to network and engage with some of the key brands in these two industries.
But our commitment to getting telemedia technology into vertical markets doesn’t end there. Next month we are running the Connected Summit, which does the same as the Gambling and Sports Summits, but with print media, TV, brands, marketing agencies, retailers and live events organisers.
This event will also showcase how telemedia technology connects these industries to their consumers – and how to turn that engagement, directly and indirectly, into revenue streams.
And this week’s top stories, which show that mobile media consumption globally has now passed the $150billion mark and how Channel 5’s groundbreaking TV show last week used augmented reality to make the TV programme’s set a 360ยบ experience shows just how far the technology has come. Adding this sort of novel experience to a traditional medium is fun. But it has a serious and potentially hugely disruptive impact on traditional media offerings. While the augmented reality app for Channel 5 works with TV, its potential stretches into any kind of media into a much more immersive experience.
But as the figures on mobile media consumption from Strategy Analytics attest, it is more than just AR. All the other really exciting interactive technology out there – which is the backbone of the Connected Summit – is where consumers and brands are going and we can help them monetize it.
So, while I hope to see you all at the gambling and sports events next week, I hope that we can also start to look at how we extend the reach of telemedia technology beyond where we have so far confined it and start to really look at where all this can fit, not just in entertainment, but also the corporate world and beyond.
So you need to get yourselves connected – and as luck would have it the early bird discount for the event runs until the end of TODAY. So sign up NOW, here